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Steve and Kitty's Y Story


Steve and Kitty have been members of the YMCA for many years now. However, Steve’s journey with the YMCA began when he was Pastor in Nebraska. At 63 years old, Steve was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.  

At this time, his wife Kitty was still working as a nurse. However, it came to a point where Steve could no longer be a pastor due to the progression of Parkinson’s. They both made the decision to move to Fremont where Kitty continued to work in nursing. While in Fremont, Steve participated in the YMCA’s Movement Improvement program which helped him with his balance and coordination.  

After Kitty retired, they made the decision to move back to Duluth, MN. They were able to and wanted to move back to Duluth because there was a Neurologist who was able to work with Steve, and because there was a YMCA.  

Since moving back, they both agree that the YMCA at the Woodland Community Center has provided them both with social and emotional support. Steve and Kitty both have taken classes with Instructor Heidi who they say has excellent music taste and promotes comradery.  

During the 14th Annual Sidewalk Shuffle, Kitty mentioned that Steve finished the entire 5k!  

Steve and Kitty said that they are very happy to be part of the YMCA community and Steve is thankful that the YMCA has programs that help him to live with Parkinson’s.  

Locations: Downtown YMCA