When Snowflakes fall, Gymnasts FLY!


Winter 1 Gymnastics: January 5th-February 25th. Registration is currently OPEN for all!  

Note there is a one week gap between Winter 1 and Winter 2 gymnastics.

Winter 2 Gymnastics: February 24th-April 5th. Registration is now open for those with a Family membership to the Y, and will open on February 10th for all other membership types. Please note registration opens at NOON. 

Please Note: Woodland office hours are 9-4 Mon-Fri. Please call the downtown location at 218-722-4745 for immediate assistance outside of these hours.

Last Updated: 2/11 12:30 pm


Gym Tots (Parent/Child 18-36 mo.)

Looking to kickstart your child’s gymnastics career? This class is perfect for the tot who is on the move. Parents join the child in the fun, being involved in the growth and development gymnastics gives.

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $48 || Non-Members $85

Winter 2 AvailabilityMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
Classes with a * are full for Winter 2

4:15-4:50 p.m. 

*4:15-4:50 p.m.*

6:15-6:50 p.m.

4:00-4:35 p.m.


*9:30-10:05 a.m.*

Gym Littles (Age 3)

Is your 3-year-old ready to take on gymnastics on their own? This is their class! Designed to build a strong foundation of fitness, kids are taught the very basics of gymnastics at their developmental level.

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $48 || Non-Members $85

Winter 2 AvailabilityMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
Classes with a * are full for Winter 2*4:15-4:50 p.m.**4:15-4:50 p.m.**6:15-6:50 p.m.*

*4:45-5:20 p.m.*


8:45-9:20 a.m.

10:15-10:50 a.m.


Kinder Gym (Age 4)

In this class, 4-year old’s are able to continue to grow and develop control of their bodies. Gymnasts are given developmentally appropriate challenges to help them to advance their skills.

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $62 || Non-Members $105

Winter 2 AvailabilityMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday


Classes with a * are full for Winter 2

*5:00-5:50 p.m.*

*6:00-6:50 p.m.*

*5:00-5:50 p.m.*

6:00-6:50 p.m.

6:00-6:50 p.m.

*4:00-4:50 p.m.*

6:00-6:50 p.m.

4:00-4:50 p.m.



Essentia Wellness Center Gymnastics Classes

These classes have the same foundations as our typical Woodland classes but are located at the Essentia Wellness Center! Class plans, ages and prices are the same as listed above. 

EWC classes will return in Fall!

Winter 2 Availability



Classes with a * are full for Winter 2


Gym Littles- 9:30-10:05 a.m.

KinderGym- 10:15-11:05 a.m.

Gym Tots- 11:15-11:50 a.m.




Gym Kids (Beginner)

This is our entry level class for all kids ages 5 and older! Our Gym Kids are introduced to all four gymnastics events and are taught a foundation of strength, flexibility and beginning level gymnastics skills.

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $62 || Non-Members $105

Winter 2 AvailabilityMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday


Classes with a * are full for Winter 2

*5:00-5:50 p.m.*

7:00-7:50 p.m.

*5:00-5:50 p.m.*

*6:00-6:50 p.m.*

*7:00-7:50 p.m.*

*4:00-4:50 p.m.*

*5:00-5:50 p.m.*

*5:30-6:20 p.m.*

7:00-7:50 p.m.

*4:00-4:50 p.m.*

*5:00-5:50 p.m.*



Gym Kids 8+ (Beginner)

Is your child interesting in trying gymnastics, but wants to be with people their own age? Gym Kids 8+ is for you! This class follows the same foundations as Gym Kids but is only available for children ages 8 and older.

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $62 || Non-Members $105

Winter 2 AvailabilityMondayWednesdayThursday
Classes with a * are full for Winter 2-7:00-7:50 p.m.*7:00-7:50 p.m.*


Advanced Gym Kids (Intermediate)

This class is for students who have mastered all of the beginning skills from Gym Kids. You must receive permission from a coach to register for this class to ensure everyone has the appropriate foundation.

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $62 || Non-Members $105

Winter 2 AvailabilityMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Classes with a * are full for Winter 2

*4:00-4:50 p.m.*

*6:00-6:50 pm.*

7:00-7:50 p.m.

*5:00-5:50 p.m.*

*6:00-6:50 p.m.*

5:00-5:50 p.m.


Gym Stars (Advanced)

This class is for students who have mastered all the intermediate level skills from Advanced Gym Kids! This is our highest-level recreational gymnastics class.

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $83 || Non-Members $146

Winter 2 AvailabilityMondayWednesday
Classes with a * are full for Winter 2 -7:00-8:05 p.m. 

Tumbling classes are for ages 6 and up. These classes are for individuals looking to learn how to do somersaults, flips, handstands, and aerials. Many of the acrobatic skills learned in this class can be utilized in the world of dance! 

Tumbling: Designed for students looking to master tumbling basics like Handstands, Cartwheels, Round Offs, Front and Back Walk overs.

If you are interested in learning more advanced tumbling skills, please reach out to hschulte@duluthymca.org so we can begin to look towards an advanced tumbling class!

For any questions, please email hschulte@duluthymca.org to find which class would be right for your child.

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $62 || Non-Members $105

Winter 2 AvailabilityMondayTuesday
Classes with a * are full for Winter 2*7:00-7:50 p.m.* 



Our boys gymnastics class is a boys only opportunity for our gymnasts to get exposure to all the men’s gymnastics events (floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and high bar). There is a strong focus on building strength and having fun. 

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $62 || Non-Members $105

Winter 1 AvailabilityMondayWednesday
Classes with a * are full for Winter 1


 7:00-7:50 p.m.


Conditioning is an opportunity for individuals to get in a great strength work out, by doing traditional gymnastics style calisthenics. This class is great for adults to get into shape, or athletes looking to prepare for their upcoming sports season.

No experience necessary! Minimum age is 10, however you are welcome to contact director Hayden Schulte to discuss age exceptions. 

Price for the 6-week session: Y Family Members $62 || Non-Members $105

Winter 2 AvailabilityWednesday
Classes with a * are full-


Our second annual showcase went wonderfully! This is an opportunity for kids to show off what they've been working. 

Showcases are open to kids enrolled in the same session as the showcase!

Look out for our Sunshine Recreational Gymnastics Showcase, coming this spring!

Private lessons can be used by anyone interested in more practice or instruction in any area of the sport: a specific skill, an event, tumbling, or the benefits of one-on-one attention.  Arrangements are to be made BEFORE purchasing. You can make arrangements by contacting your favorite gymnastics coach or contacting director Hayden Schulte at hschulte@duluthymca.org

YMCA Family Member Fee: $47.25/hour +$10/additional gymnast

Community Member Fee: $62/hour +$10/additional gymnast

* There is currently a waitlist for private lessons- please contact Hayden BEFORE purchasing.

This year we will be offering packages as well! Email Hayden for more information about our private lesson packages.

Is your gymnast hoping to join our competition team? Do you have a talented young athlete, but not sure if the commitment to team will be right for your family?

Prep team is for you! Prep Team is an invitation only class that meets twice per week during Winter 1 and Winter 2 each year. 

The focus for this class is on developing strength, form and skill fundamentals- along with learning to work more independently as they would on the team. This more intensive class will help you and your child see if the decision to join the team is the right one!

For any questions about joining team, please email hschulte@duluthymca.org


This is a year-round program for individuals interested in developing quality gymnastics skills while instilling the YMCA core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. Our competitive program is governed by the USA Gymnastics Xcel Program, which provides gymnasts with a more adaptive experience in a competitive realm, and an opportunity for a rewarding ongoing gymnastics experience.

Please contact Hayden with any questions about joining team. Registration open to those wishing to join team from Prep team.

If you are interested in joining team, look for our Prep Team gymnastics class to see if team is the right fit for you!

More Info

Q: What should my child wear?

A: Your child should wear tight fitting athletic clothing. Gymnastics is done barefoot, so no need for special socks or shoes. Long hair should be tied back so athletes can see when they go upside down.

We also sell new and used leotards on site!

It is not recommended to wear leotards with an attached skirt, and sort of baggy clothing or items with strings or zippers. Jeans are not permitted.

Q: I am currently on a waitlist for a class. How will I know if I get in?

A: Waitlists are consulted when class reservations are cancelled, so you will be emailed if you are able to get into a class! In certain cases, a coach is able to allow extra kids into class, in which case you will also be emailed. 

If a spot does not open for you, you will not be emailed in most cases.

If you have decided to remove yourself from a waitlist, PLEASE contact a membership desk, or director Hayden Schulte so that your spot may be given to another child. 

Q: What should my child bring?

A: Just yourselves and a positive attitude! Your child is welcome to bring their own water bottle, but we do have a water fountain on location.

Q: Am I allowed to stay and watch?

Absolutely! In fact, we ask that anyone bringing a child 5 or under stay in the building. We have a large balcony for supervision, or bench seating on the main level. For children ages 5-7, no need to stay in the building but please stay near by, just in case! 8 and older are just fine to leave an run errands. 

If you are staying to spectate, we do recommend avoiding interacting with your child during their instruction time. This makes it easier for our coaches to coach, and your children to learn!

Q: My child is ALMOST the age of the next class, do I have to wait until their birthday?

A: We allow a 3-month age buffer in both directions for age-based classes. If you are hoping to get moved up an age level before your child has actually turned that day, you will need to email Hayden at hschulte@duluthymca.org so she can override the age requirement.

Be sure to include the day and time of the class you are hoping to get into, as our classes fill up very quickly!

Q: How will I know my child is ready to move up?

A: Our evaluation sheets get sent out on week 4 of each session so you know which class to register for. 

For Gym Tots, Gym Littles, and KinderGym you child is free to move up on each of their next birthdays.

For Gym Kids and Advanced Gym Kids your athlete should have a 3 or higher on each of the bolded skills on their evaluation card! If they have less than 3s on some of these skills, they are still developing and should have another session in their current level.

As a general rule, expect to spend at least a year in each of our school age levels.

Q: My child has to miss a class. What is your missed class policy?  

A: First of all, bummer! We love having your child at classes and each class does provide valuable gymnastics practices.

You will not be removed from a class due to missed days! You are welcome to contact Hayden or your coach, but it is not necessary.

Due to our session-based class system, and how full our classes are we are not able to offer make- up classes at this time.

Q: What is your weather cancellation policy?

A: We will announce any class cancelations via social media and an email. If we are able there will also be an announcement on our answering machine.

Decisions on all cancellations for evening classes will be made as soon as possible.

Also, if you have chosen to 'opt in' to text updates you'll receive a text message as well!

At this time, we are not able to offer make up classes or refunds due to weather cancellations.

Q: I need help registering, who should I call?

A: You can call or email direct Hayden Schulte at hschulte@duluthymca.org or 218-464-5172.  

Note: Our office hours are 9-4 Monday-Friday. Any emails or calls made outside this time will be responded to on the next business day.

Please call the downtown location at 218-722-4745 for immediate assistance outside of these hours.

Please contact Director Hayden Schulte at hschulte@duluthymca.org for any questions.